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Nation's Attic Buys Antique Slot Machines

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Are you considering selling one or an entire collection of old antique slot machines? Nations' Attic Inc. has been in business since 2005 buying slot machines. We can make you a fair market offer in minutes, plus we guarantee to make the entire process stress free and enjoyable!

All we need to get started are photos of your machine(s). Those can be emailed to or texted to 316-371-1828


Nation's Attic buys antique slot machines dating to the 1880's to 1951. There were a large number of manufacturers of slot machines during the 19th and first half of the 20th Century. The largest companies were Mills Novelty, Caille Brothers, O.D. Jennings, Pace Novelty, Watling Scale Co, Fey and Superior Confections. Just about any old slot machine made by these makers are ones we are interested in. We do not buy slot machines that require electricity or that were made outside the US.

The quickest way to find out if we are interested and how much we can pay is by sending us photos of your machine. Simply email photos to or text the photos to 1-316-371-1828.


The vintage photos above are just a sampling of the type of antique slot machines we are interested in buying. Some of the more unusual slots that were not made by the big companies that we are always looking for are; AC Multi-Bell Seven Way, Bakers Pacers Races, Bally Double Bell, Bally Reliance Dice, Buckley Bones, Burnham Gum Works, Cooper Manufacturing, Cowper Manufacturing, Gabels, Paupa & Hochriem, Daniel N Schall, Silver King Novelty, Victor Novelty Works, Vendet Manufacturing.


  Email photos to or text the photos to 1-316-371-1828.

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